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Tech job interviewee has "a concept of a sorting algorithm"

Heads up! This is satire - don't take it seriously.

This post is from the Satire category.

These days, interviewing for a programming job feels more like taking an exam; Your on-the-spot answers to question after question of DSA procedures are a major factor of whether you get hired, which is why so many applicants study DSA intensely and memorize numerous algorithms - even if they aren’t needed for most of the job. Some, however, try to sidestep the specifics:

One interviewee for a job at Acme Software Solutions tried to use his conceptual understanding in place of writing code. When asked to write a Java function to sort a large array of integers, he stated,

I have a concept of a sorting algorithm.

After some attempts by the interviewer to discuss the specifics of his method, the applicant was asked to write the code, to which he replied,

I’m not hired yet.

The interviewer then decided to move on to a different question, and after some brief discussion of other topics, the interview concluded. The applicant has not responded to our requests for information about whether he has heard back from the employer.

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