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Researchers discover new source of geothermal energy: Texas

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They weren’t lying when they said Texas was the energy state. Green energy researchers have recently discovered a new form of geothermal energy that could outperform even nuclear power, and the the key lies in the second largest U.S. state.

While the exact details of the process have yet to be worked out, a lead engineer gave a simplified explanation:

Existing geothermal energy relies on heating water to make steam. Normally we’d send it deep into the earth to get heated by the natural temperature of our planet’s crust, but we want to try something different, and hopefully more effective. So basically we just set a tank filled with water outside in Texas. That’s it. That boils it. And then we can run the steam through a generator to produce electricity.

Although the peak of Texas’s scorching heat is the summer, experts believe it will produce enough power to be profitable year-round if they can develop efficient power storage.

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