Open-sorcerer, trans girl, memetic hazard

Security Company DOSes Critical Infrastructure

Heads up! This is satire - don't take it seriously.

This post is from the Satire category.

Pizza delivery to house on fire meme

Would you be more secure with less security software? Maybe - after all, “Who watches the watchers?” Cyberattacks have become a serious threat to companies and governments in recent years, but while so much focus has been directed at thwarting cybercriminal organizations and nation-state actors, not much has been done to thwart that one guy who accidentally pushed to production on a Friday.

“Honey, I Took Down the Financial System”

There are some things that are just embarrasing for a quasi-governmental company to have to admit they fell vulnerable to, like that time a catgirl found the entire no-fly list on an unpassworded FTP server, but this takes the cake and eats it, too. No longer do you need to rely on software updates to deliver bugs to you - just sit back and wait for upstream to change some config files.

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